
  • Rabies in Cats

    Rabies deaths are uncommon in the U.S .these days, and public health officials intend to keep it that way. That’s why rabies vaccinations are required for cats and dogs in many states. Even indoor cats have to follow the law. Millions of animals—and more than 50,000 humans—around the world die

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  • Respiratory Issues

    As with people, cats’ lungs allow them to breathe and transfer oxygen from the breath into the blood. Unfortunately, many things go wrong with their little lungs, making feline respiratory issues common. Here are a few things to look out for that could signal that your cat is suffering from a respiratory

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  • Ringworm in Cats

    Ringworm is a common skin condition in cats. In spite of its name, this condition is actually caused by a fungus, not a worm. One of the symptoms, though, is a circular rash on the skin that resembles a ring. However, this ring does not always appear. Cause of Ringworm The fungi that cause ringworm come

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  • Skin Conditions in Cats

    A small number of cats develop various skin conditions, sometimes more than one condition at the same time. Skin conditions can affect a cat’s appearance, as well as increase its risk of more serious skin infections. Causes of Skin Conditions Several factors can affect a cat’s skin, along with related

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  • Spaying or Neutering Cats

    Unless you plan on breeding your cat, spaying or neutering it is the best way to slow down feline overpopulation. Many cats that are born each year end up in overcrowded shelters or are abandoned in the wild. Spaying or neutering your cat early in its life can prevent this unnecessary suffering. Benefits

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  • Staph Infection in Cats

    Staphylococcus aureus is a type of bacteria that commonly live on the skin in both people and animals. Usually, this does not cause any problems. However, sometimes the bacteria can change so that the antibiotic methicillin no longer works on them—meaning, this drug cannot slow their growth or kill

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  • Toxoplasmosis

    Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by a parasite named Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii). This parasite is very common and shows up in pets, people and nearly all other warm-blooded mammals. In spite of this, the parasite does not usually cause any real problems in cats. Life Cycle of the Toxoplasmosis Parasite T.

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  • Urinary Conditions

    A cat’s urinary system can be negatively affected due to a variety of reasons, including suffering from an endocrine disease, such as diabetes mellitus and hyperthyroidism. More often, however, the cause of a urinary problem is a feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD). When problems with the urinary

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  • Vestibular Problems

    In order to understand how vestibular problems exist, one must first look at the vestibular system, which consists of the parts of the inner ear (vestibular apparatus) and brain (medulla) that help regulate balance and eye movements. The vestibular apparatus involves a number of fluid-filled chambers,

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  • Caring for Senior Cats

    Thanks to advancements in veterinary care, today’s cats can live well into their teen years. It is not uncommon for cats to live to be 18 or even older. However, in order for cats to live a long full life, they need proactive veterinary care to stay healthy. As cats age, they are at greater risk for

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  • Feline Stomatitis: Treatments

    Cats rarely display their pain, but cats with feline stomatitis are often the exception. If your cat appears to have mouth pain, is reluctant to eat, doesn't want to groom, is drooling, and doesn't want you to open its mouth, it may be suffering from this debilitating, degenerative oral condition, and

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  • Feline Leukemia Virus: What You Need to Know

    Feline leukemia (FeLV) is a virus that weakens your cat's immune system. Unfortunately, when the immune system does not function properly, your cat may be more likely to develop other diseases, such as cancer and blood disorders. How Cats Contract Feline Leukemia Cats get feline leukemia from other cats.

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  • Family Cats and Pregnant Women: Take Measures to Prevent Toxoplasmosis Infection

    Nothing must spoil the joys of becoming a new parent. Not even your pets. But family cats with normal, every day habits can pose a risk to expectant women. Women's immune systems can be disturbed by a parasite carried in fecal matter. If you're the primary caretaker of your family's feline friend it

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  • Create an Environment Your Cat Will Love

    The Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery confirms that feline emotional wellbeing, behavior and physical health are a result of how comfortable they are in their environment. Understanding how our cats interact with their environment can help us create a space for owners and cats to mutually thrive

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  • Common Feline Skin Conditions: Protect Your Feline

    Cats can suffer from a variety of different skin disorders, including feline acne, allergic dermatitis, mites and ringworm. If your cat is frequently itching, scratching, licking his skin beyond normal grooming, or suffering unexplained hair loss, a skin condition may be the cause. The first step to

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  • Catnip: Why Cats Love It

    Few things stimulate a cat's pleasure faster than catnip. Exposure to this simple herb can reveal a new side to their feline personality. Many cats will go crazy at the smell of this plant. Catnip has a reputation of being a feline drug and many cat owners wonder if it is safe to give it to their pet.

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  • "Southwest Vet is a wonderful place to take our animals. The front desk ladies are knowledgeable, patient, and compassionate. The vet techs are so wonderful with our animals. And Drs. Sargent and Rasmussen are just the tops!! The care our animals receive is extraordinary!!"
    Sarah S.
  • "Thank you so much for all that you do. You have always gone above and beyond for my pets and I. I feel truly blessed to have found you when I moved to Reno. Tank thinks you’re pretty awesome, too!"
    Ashley D.
  • "Thank you to each and every one of you who helped care for Gus while he was recovering during his long and scary week with Parvo. We can’t thank you enough for everything you did to get our loving and playful guy home."
    Aaron and Lisa C.
  • "So rare it seems to encounter an entire professional office who are as smart as they are kind. We are so grateful to have you care for Einstein. Thank you for your excellent care, patience and generosity."
    Leah R.

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